Wow, I'm almost becoming a regular at this...
So, my plan for the year was to paint 365 Mantic models, an average of 1 a day for 2011. I wasn't going to stick to any one army, just mix it up a little, adding more to my Dwarf army, and starting my Undead and Elves, plus the Khaos Dwarfs when they are released, and probably Orcs and whatever else we see this year.
I figured I'd start with the Mhorgoth's Revenge box as a good entry point into the madness. Less than 2 weeks into the year and I've already finished 20 Skeleton Warriors, 10 Ghouls and a Balefire Catapult plus 2 Skeleton Crew. I have a unit of 20 Revenants primed and ready to go, and am mostly done on a unit of 15 Zombies. Not bad going if I say so myself.
There is the small matter of a pre-release Hellpit Abomination to paint for GW Falkirk before the 15th, and my Ogres for Warseer's Tale of Fantasy Painters, then I can really focus on the Undead. Hopefully, I can have the 2 units finished for the end of the month, meaning that that is the complete Undead contents of the Mhorgoth's Revenge box done.
Miniature Monday: Retributor Prime
8 years ago
Looking forward to seeing some photos.