OK, so game four was the turning point of my fortunes (well, briefly). I could be callous and say that I let Jordan beat me because he's a wee boy, but that isn't true. I was probably suffering from a sense of invincibility with 3 wins under my belt, or it was the Rockstar. Powerful stuff, turned my piss luminous yellow...
I like playing against other Merc players, because there is a sort of kinship, a fellow gamer who is waving two fingers at your Faction powers, and fights for the big cash prize. As an aside, I think the character of Magnus is as much a draw for me as the model. Labelled a traitor by loyalist Cygnar scum, he remained loyal to the true King of Cygnar, despite the threat to himself, going as far as to deal with the Skorne in the process, some may see him as a villain, but I see him as a tragic anti-hero, somewhat similar to Saruman, in that he is corrupted, but in his mind he is doing what he believes to be right. Anyway, to coin a Jervis Johnsonism, I digress...
I fucking hate Ashylynn. There I said it. She is squishy as fuck, but it is near enough impossible to land a hit on her under normal circumstances, nevermind on her Feat turn. Roulette, fucking Roulette, she'd be dragged from the casino and her kneecaps broken is she had that much luck at the tables... Anyway, inflated sense of Magnus's tenacity lost me the game, as I figured he'd survive a round of combat against Ashlynn. I forgot she had Weapon Master...
Game 5 - Mark, Khador (Easy list to remember, he was using my models... Butcher, Juggernaut, Behemoth) Scenario - Overrun.
I'd spent the entire day dreading being drawn against the big man. To my mind, his list was fucking solid, and I'd really have trouble dropping any of his 3 models, luckily, the scenario called for a rapid advance towards the centre of the table. I don't think Mark was too impressed with the thought of running full tilt towards Eyriss and the 2 'gades...
Some careful positioning meant that the Jugger was out of charge targets, and having striped the Butcher, and dropped the bomb on him, leaving him with about 4 health, meant he shied away from the centre line. No focus to give the 'jacks meant they were too far from the objective, allowing me complete control, before moving in to finish off baldy.
So, 5 games, 4 wins and a loss, with the grand total of 4 Tournament points and 7 Control points. Cue celebration, and bragging rights, seeing as that is now another set of Merc Gold cards (although my first set of MKII ones).
All in all it was a great day, 5 games of WARMACHINE, plenty of banter, and possibly some friendly rivalries in the making. I'll definately be heading back through, I'll have to defend my Big Dog status, or maybe just grab more silverware...
I didn't actually manage to take any pictures of the day, but I'm sure the guilty parties will be glad I've spared their tear-streaked faces from interweb fame.
Just kidding guys, I'll try and get photos of your lists next time I'm up.
Miniature Monday: Retributor Prime
8 years ago
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